29 September 2004
:: Feed me, Seymour ::

Food halls are the devil.

I found myself in one this afternoon, trying to find something to eat. And I couldn't make a rational decision to save my life.

I wanted creamy butter chicken and rice, deep-fried sesame prawn toast, curry laksa, blueberry muffins, chicken schnitzel sandwiches with mayonnaise and cheese, donuts and pork buns.

The smells spun my head and while I knew I could walk over to the sandwich counter and order something sensible, all I wanted to do was choose the worst possible food I could.

I ended up getting some vegetables, tofu and pork (unfortunately battered and fried, but I couldn't tell under the sauce when I ordered it) on steamed rice. Not the worst decision I could have made, but not ideal.

I left most of the rice and left feeling deeply unsatisfied. My husband had to steer me physically past the donut shop before I bought a bag of cinnamon sugar donuts and ate the lot.

Even as I type this, he's promising to keep me out of kitchen because I could still eat and eat and eat like a crazy woman. I've had a perfectly good dinner of spaghetti bolognese and yet I could still empty the fridge straight into my mouth.

I don't understand what is motivating this. I'm feeling better, several long-term financial issues are being resolved, life is pretty good. Why is it that all I can think of is to inhale the contents of the kitchen?

Someone tie me up and gag me before I do something I regret...

ladymisstree | 08:38 PM | Take a bite (7)

arrrrrrrrgh food halls are the house of satan indeed. they just remind you that there is sooo much delicious food in the world and you can't have it all without becoming the size of australia. good tactic with the hubby keeping you away from the kitchen! don't you wish there was just a switch you could flip so you didn't think about food every waking hour?! aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgh i want chocolate.

Served up by dg at 09:53 on 29|09|04

But you made the right decision, you are beating it. It may be the hardest thing ever, but you are doing it, and it will get easier. Until then, I am send a soft rope and leather strap to bite on!

Served up by robynf at 10:44 on 29|09|04

I once described this to my ex husband,

"Food halls to me are like a casino to a gambler"

My head literally spins and I walk round and round til I can decide what is the best and biggest and yummiest thing for the best value for money. As I walked past every item I imagined what it tasted like.

I'm with you sugar. It is hard. Oh, for the record, I feel like I could inhale the entire content of my kitchen too. Hunger is hitting me big time lately. Shall we blame it on the moon?

*grin* Hey, that watch is creeping up slowly..

Served up by Beckie at 08:16 on 30|09|04

Oh food hall hell, I know it well...I've learnt to head straight for the sandwich bar or the chinese place for some wonton soup, before walking past any of the others and being tempted.

Or when I really can't help myself, I grab a McD's Lean Beef Burger or a small Oporto burger and then I feel like I haven't missed out! hahaha.

Speaking of inhaling the kitchen, we had pizza last night, and no, it wasn't the healthy homemade variety! But GOD it was good :)

Served up by Kimba at 08:58 on 30|09|04

I find it best to decide what I'm going to eat before I set foot in that hall of Satan, and go straight to that stall. My usual(not fave, but usual - my fave is most of the things you described LOL) thing to eat is a baked potato with mushrooms, tabouli and coleslaw. Warm, safe (-ish, in terms of points) and no decision required. A souvlaki also fits these criteria when I REALLY want to eat something GOOD. Maybe your inner "I don't deserve this" is trying to sabotage you becuase you're doing so well. Keep at it

Served up by LBTEPA at 02:13 on 30|09|04

Yeah, what IS that drive to eat, eat, eat? Why is it so hard to resist? Are we wired differently or something?

Served up by PL at 01:50 on 01|10|04

well, i found u thru beck and eny friend of beck's is a friend of mine. Why is it that donuts taste better at food halls? that chinese places offer all you can fit on a plate for 5 dollars as You walk past? That everything healthy has a higher price tag? The world is against us. I moved an hour and a half from town to win the food court battle. But.......i found wine!

Served up by airlie at 12:16 on 05|10|04