27 November 2004
:: Good, better, best ::

Good: finding out that the pair of size 16 (US 12) shorts you bought are a little too big and you really need a 14 (US 10).

Better: finding a pair of size 14 (US 10) cargo pants that look fantastic (and make your arse look really hot, if you may say so yourself).


Trying on the tiny black velvet dress you made for your 21st birthday nearly twelve years ago and finding that it fits FUCKING PERFECTLY!

I'm just walking on air. Hell, nothing can phase me now, not even the fact that the washing machine just overflowed and flooded the apartment!

ladymisstree | 10:17 PM | Take a bite (8)

That's fantastic! What a wonderful feeling - more rewarding than a number on a scale, that's for sure.
Good on you!

Served up by Kate at 10:37 on 28|11|04

That's awesome, Tree!! It's great to read how well you're doing :)

Though, coming from an Aussie in the US, the size conversions are a little off. I think it's more like Aus 14 = US 12, but that's just from my experience this year.

Served up by Stef at 06:59 on 29|11|04

Well done! It's the ultimate feeling isn't it. Sadly I no longer own the suit I wore on my 21st but I do still have some clothes hanging around from my 'skinny' clubbing days, and I'm determined to at least fit into them again one day, even if I never wear them in public.

And Bah to the bloody washing machine!

Have to admit I'm a bit confused about the US-AUS conversions too, I thought an AUS 14 was a US 12?

Served up by Kimba at 07:31 on 29|11|04

I've just asked Becca (at suckingitin.blogspot.com), an American in Aus, and she says a US 14 is actually an AUS 16. LOL It can be so confusing... it'll be interesting to try on different sizes when I get home.

Served up by Stef at 07:38 on 29|11|04

Yay!! What a feeling!!! Who cares about the silly old washing machine? Will there be a photo of said dress? So glad things are going well for you again.

Served up by LBTEPA at 07:40 on 29|11|04

Wow the 21st dress fitting must have felt AMAZING!! I'm more than a little envious *wink*
Well done.....you deserve it!

Served up by Paulene at 02:03 on 29|11|04

well done! go you good thing!

Served up by dietgirl at 07:16 on 29|11|04


25 kilo goal! *thuunnderous applause*

little black velvet-hasnt-seen-the-light-of-day-for-12-years-black-dress???


Get that up ya Paris Hilton!

Served up by Beckie at 03:07 on 30|11|04