05 September 2004
:: I don’t know the meaning of the word plateau ::

A little birdie told me that I wasn’t going to lose again this week.

Oh, who am I kidding. I’m a howling hypocrite, I got on the scales this morning, the day before weigh-in, because I just didn’t feel like I’d lost anything.

I know, I’m the girl who tells you not to weigh-in more than once a week. Yes, I’m a hypocrite, especially when the scale told me the bad news and I felt like absolute hell.

There are a bajillion reasons why I might not lose anything tomorrow.

For example, I haven’t been getting all my water. I’ve said before that I need 3lts every day. Well, I’ve only been getting about two thirds of that. I also had very salty Mexican food on Friday and I may still be retaining water just because of my cycle.

So chances are I’ve got a stack of water weight still on me.

I’ve also been a bit slack about my eating habits. I’ve gone over my points five days this week. Not by much, a point or two here and there, but it’s the little things, like deciding to crumb and pan-fry my pork filet rather than grill it or polishing off a bottle of wine with a friend one night.

Now, I’ve done enough exercise this week to cover all of these little indiscretions (and more!), but my body isn’t used to me eating a little extra most days of the week.

But, instead of stomping around the park on my walk this morning, berating myself for falling off the wagon, I tried something different.

I used this as an opportunity to refocus myself on my goals. Because that’s what this is. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s an opportunity to have a look at what I’m doing and make sure I’m working towards my goals.

I always have my 100 reasons to do this, but they are goals for when I get there, not for along the way. And I have some whopping big goals to aim for soon.

For example, when I lose another .5kg (1.1lb), I will be exactly half way to my WW goal weight. Which is, without putting too fine a point on it, pretty fucking impressive. Half a kilo? That’s nothing. I’ve already done it 34 times, I can do it again, easy, peasy lemon-squeezy.

The next goal? A mere additional 2.5kg (5.5lb) and I’ll be back to my lowest recorded weight. I haven’t been there for two years. I’d like to see it again. It would also mean I’ve lost 20kg (44lb), which, again, without putting too fine a point on it, is really fucking impressive.

After that? A measly .7kg (1.5lb) will put me at my lowest recorded weight EVER! I’ll finally be a 70s girl! I haven’t been there for around 10 years or so. I’m dying to get back there again.

So I’m focusing closely on the next 3.7kg (8.1lb), in little steps. Because it will be the most significant weight I’ve ever lost.

It deserves my complete and undivided attention and it deserves everything I can do to achieve it.

And I will. Plateau, fucking schmateau. Not on my watch, baby.

ladymisstree | 07:04 PM | Take a bite (2)

My hero! This and the last entry are two reasons why I read this weblog every single day. I'm so impressed, and thankful, that you write it all down.


Served up by Melanie at 05:48 on 06|09|04

3.7kgs? Three point seven kgs?

It DOES deserve your complete attention and determination! Im not going to pussy round and say "Look what you have acheived so far, take it easy, baby steps.."

I've read your history, I've read the determination in that voice. I reckon you will bloody loose that 3.7kgs and not quietly, Oh No!.... I wanna see you rip tear into those last ~numbers~ and screech in here sideways screaming "WHAT A FUCKING RIDE! I MADE IT! THIS TIME ITS A ONE WAY TRIP!"

I'll be at the finish line in my large sports pants and cheerleader outfit.
Plateau, fucking schmateau indeed! *grin*

Served up by Beckie at 06:38 on 06|09|04