25 September 2004
:: It's my surgical procedure and I'll eat if I want to ::

So, Tree, what prompted you to eat 74 points worth of food in two days and not take any exercise?

This did.

ladymisstree | 06:07 PM | Take a bite (6)

Oh, OUCH. Hope the surgeon does a better job than the doc, and that you recover soon.

Served up by Kimba at 01:34 on 26|09|04

*holds back a smile* now, I... well.. I... ummm. sweetheart.. I am deeply deeply in sympathy with you. How's yer bot bot now?

Served up by Beckie at 03:32 on 26|09|04

Hi there - you have all my sympathys as I have been there too. What did help me was putting a ice block on it - weird but it works. Get the thin ones that kids eat in the plastic tubes. Try and leave it on as long as possible as it will help.
Those 74 points were well deserved, worry about diet later look after No 1 first. Love this site.
Take care

Served up by Jacqui at 09:48 on 27|09|04

That's awful, you poor lamb. Jacquie (above) is quite right, this is NO TIME to be trying to be disciplined about food! Take care, hope you are better VERY soon

Served up by LBTEPA at 12:29 on 27|09|04

Ouchy mama!!! Although 74 points in 2 days?? I'd be holding back on the food so I don't have to do poos in a hurry :o) And if you do the kids ice block thing - please don't recycle them!! Single use only - sorry had a vision of putting them back in the freezer, and a young guest saying "but this tastes like arse!".

Ooh, I'm still cringing at the thought of the pain on your poor bot :o(

Served up by Amanda at 06:11 on 28|09|04

Oh my goodness! That's horrifying! I'm so sorry you had to suffer through that and hope you're feeling better now.

Served up by PL at 01:34 on 01|10|04