19 May 2004
:: We Gotta Get Right Back To Where We Started From ::

OK, now that I have that cheesy bit of 70s fluff playing on head radio, where was I?

Oh yeah.

Right back where I started from.


This is my third attempt at Weight Watchers. Not that there's anything wrong with the program. The problem was me not adjusting to what is essentially a new way of life.

I treated it as a diet. That I could go off it and be OK. My first attempt, I began at 95-ish kg (209lb). But I didn't track, I didn't exercise enough and I wasn't really too concerned about what I was eating.

The second time I started at 91.2kg (201lb). Just .1kg over where I am right now. And I got all the way down to 80kg (176lb) and then stuff happened that knocked me right back into my old eating patterns. An extra 20kg (44lb) worth of old eating patterns.

It's taken me 14 weeks to get right back to where I started from.

To say this is disheartening is an understatement. I'm doing well at this. I'm following the plan and working harder to understand what makes my body tick so that I can be a better caretaker of it. But to have worked for three months just to get back to where I was 2 years ago is a little disappointing.

Of course, I'm looking at this the wrong way. I need to not focus on the past, I need to focus on where I am now and where I'm going. I need to focus on my achievement so far. I'm losing, I'm looking better and I'm feeling better for it. But that little (hormonal) voice inside my head keeps whispering.

Excuse me, I have a little voice to hunt down.

ladymisstree | 12:10 PM | Take a bite (0)