02 June 2004
:: Week 16 - Hear That Sound? ::

That would be the sound of the bullet I just dodged.

After what I ate on the weekend, to actually lose weight would require the sort of bullet-dodging not seen since Keanu, whoa, learned kung fu.

Well, it wasn't so much what I ate as what I drank. Weight Watchers always warns you about the empty calories in alcohol. But it's not the empty calories IN alcohol you need to be worried about...

It's the empty calories you tend to inhale WITH the alcohol that is usually the problem.

Saturday was a friend's wedding reception. In addition to the day's worth of points I stuffed into my face for lunch, I also consumed enough points-worth of alcohol to fuel a starving, third-world nation.

It was this alcohol that lead me to believe that I was entitled, nay, I DESERVED Maccy D's on the way home from the wedding. So I shlorked down another day's worth of crap. At least I was sufficiently sober to order the 6.5 point Fillet-O-Fish rather than the 11.5 point Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

It's the same when I go down the pub. I order my pint. I order another one. Ooooh, wouldn't some garlic pizza go down nicely with that pint? Or maybe some of those nice chippies with the sour cream/sweet chilli dipping sauce. And then there's another pint. And another. And several more and I think we need another of those garlic pizzas, what do you think? And somewhere between that pint and the rest, I become convinced that if I don't get a greasy souvlaki, a bucket of popcorn chicken or Baskin Robbins Cookie Dough ice cream, then some sort of Geneva Convention is being breached.

Yes, I am that girl who has fallen asleep with half a Whopper in her hand after a big night out. And you do NOT want to know where the pickle gets to. Yes, Vegemite on toast in obscene quantities makes perfect sense at 3am when you're trolleyed.

So I think WW needs to review their position. The empty calories in alcohol are the LEAST of your worries.

ladymisstree | 12:10 AM | Take a bite (3)

I know that feeling! Alcohol should have a warning label on it saying "May affect your ability to remember your diet"! Adn why do we crave grease when we are drinking? Someone should look into that chemical reaction. but don't worry, just chalk it up and go back to the old habits! You'll do great!

Served up by Cat at 11:11 on 02|06|04

Love your site!

Last week, I used up all of my remaining flex points and points for the day on the day before my weigh in on wine. Really good wine. And I thought I'd blown it but thanks in part to the dehydration caused by so much drinking, I lost 1.4 lbs! So I like to look at the bright side. :P

Served up by pam at 06:20 on 03|06|04

oooh garlic pizza...I miss that. :)

Served up by Kimba at 11:20 on 03|06|04