16 December 2004
:: Shrinky-dink! ::

Out came the tape measure for this month and the news is gooooood.

Another 16cm (6.2") peeled off various bits of me, never to be seen again.

Looking at some of the numbers can be a bit frightening, though.

I've worked a total of 25cm (9.8") off my belly and 20cm (7.8") off my hips.

My boobs and waist have both shrunk by nearly 16cm (6.2") each and each thigh has deflated by 11cm (4.3").

I had no idea there was that much to come off. And there is still more to go!

My current hip measurement is smaller than my starting bust measurement. Worse yet, my current under-bust measurement is getting close to my starting thigh measurement! My thighs used to be as big as my rib cage? Sweet skateboarding Christ!

I'm looking forward to the day I can wear a skirt without pantyhose and not have thigh chafe. I'm still a long way off that, my inner thighs are clinging to that flab like Titanic passengers to a life raft. I kinda thought that having lost this much, I'd be there already, but I guess I just have to forge ahead. Maybe that will be my reward when I get to goal... just in time for the weather to be so cold that I don't want to wear a skirt without tights!

ladymisstree | 02:27 PM | Take a bite (8)

Woah mumma!

Perception, perception perception. Rib cage sized thighs? You have come a LONG way. LONG way. That is absaolutely fantastic Treezer.

Served up by Nurse Beckie at 03:41 on 16|12|04


I am 5.4 and at your exact goal weight and body fat...if you want to see a picture of what size your body will be let me know!

Served up by robynf at 03:43 on 17|12|04

(Dances happy little celebration jig)
Yay! Go you!!

Served up by LBTEPA at 06:36 on 17|12|04

Fab results! Those damned thighs, I can relate to that! We can do it, I mean, we've doen SO MUCH all ready. :-)

Served up by sarah at 11:34 on 17|12|04

wowsers! that is amazing! if i could get my underbust measurement to be anywhere near my thigh measurement I would be over the moon! You are amazing! And the way that you talked about your leader was just beautiful! But trust me, if she is going to teach in a school for the first time ( like I have) I'm putting money on the fact that she will be back VERy soon!

Served up by airlie at 03:09 on 17|12|04

hooray hooray hooray for peeling off cm! You wonderful (shrinking) woman you.

And I'm really sorry I haven't checked in for almost a week, I've been too far up my own arse to check other people's blogs till today!

Hooray again for such good shrinkage, you're an inspiration, Tree :)

Served up by Kimba at 07:43 on 17|12|04

Oy..the chafe.

Good for you, you hottie!

Served up by nicole AFW at 04:15 on 18|12|04

Excellant, excellant entry my lady :) Had me rolling in the aisles - especially the rib cage sized thighs...LOL...LOL. Can't wait to compare my measurements when I am a bit further into my journey! How awesome must you feel to be able to see black and white evidence of such drastic changes??? And can I ask....my mortal fear...is there a lot of loose skin? I am terrified of being in need of an 'Extreme Makeover' skin lift *blush*
Cheers P

Served up by Paulene at 08:40 on 22|12|04