19 August 2004
:: Slinky! ::

Just a quick update because it's way past my bedtime, but those suit skirts in my wardrobe that I haven't been able to wear for the past 18 months?

I can now. [enormous grin]

ladymisstree | 12:22 AM | Take a bite (5)

OKAY. Maybe you can answer this for me.

On July 7th, I was 144lbs. and couldn't even pull up a particular skirt past my thighs. Bum and hips were WAY too big for this sucker.

Yesterday, August 17th, I was able to pull that skirt right up (a tiny bit of shimmying over the widest part of the hips), do it up, and wear it comfortably and happily all day.

I thougth, "Hmm, I should weigh myself to see how much I've lost since July 7th -- at least 5 pounds, I would wager."

Stepped on scale this AM.

(blink) (blink)


HOW? HOW is this possible? This isn't just water weight fluxuation or any of that garbage.

Ideas? You seem quite qualified to take a guess. :)

Served up by Kim at 02:16 on 19|08|04

woah, great! clothes really are the best indicator. congrats!

Served up by pam at 06:53 on 19|08|04

woohoo! well done you. These days I'm REALLY regretting giving all my lovely suits to charity when I moved house in June last year. If only I'd joined WW at that time instead of giving them away, I'd be wearing them now! Ah well.

Served up by Kimba at 08:37 on 19|08|04

WooHoo!!! Clothing victories are even bettah than the slippery scale victories. Congratulations!

Served up by yvonne at 11:09 on 19|08|04

That's so great! Well done!

I tried on one of my suit skirts the other day, but it's not quite there yet... soon! At least I can get it up over my thighs these days! :D

Served up by sarah at 07:46 on 19|08|04