30 June 2004
:: Week 20 - Food Porn ::

Just a teeny loss this week, .1kg (.2lbs), but any loss is better than no loss (or a gain!)

But I want to speak about something much closer to my heart this time around.


I mean, clearly food is close to my heart, otherwise I wouldn't have a weightloss blog! But it's something I'm deeply passionate about. I'm a double Taurus, so I'm absolutely passionate about it.

It's the reason I subscribe to delicious. I can hear the gasps from here. How can she expect to lose weight if she's reading things like that? (And you should have seen the April cover with it's chocoholic's muffin with slices of Mars Bar glued to the top with melted chocolate.) But you're looking at it from the wrong angle. There's no way I can expect to lose weight unless I'm reading things like that.

Losing the Cow describes the situation I'm in perfectly. Non-fat cheese does taste like ass (or arse if you're from around here). Most low- or non-fat or artificially sweetened things taste like complete arse, as far as I'm concerned. You can protest all you like. You can claim that low-fat product x tastes JUST LIKE the real thing, but sweetie, all I can taste is the horrible chemicals they used to make it.

They're just plain nasty.

Now, I can eat Lean Cuisines and lose weight. But I won't be happy about it. Worse, when I hit goal, I'll ditch them and start eating real food again and gain everything I've lost, plus a little extra.

So I'm teaching myself how to eat what I love in quantities that allow me to lose weight.

This is for life. I need to learn how to eat so that I can maintain this for the rest of my life. Low-fat just ain't going to cut it.

Losing the Cow was dead right, I don't want low-fat food, I want low-volume food.

I'd rather eat one full-fat, full-sugar chocolate chip cookie once a month than all the sugar-free, fat-free, nasty cookies I want. I'd rather have a shaving of real parmesan on my pasta than a handful of low-fat cheese.

So I read food porn like delicious. (for the articles, of course!) That way I can expand my repertoire in the kitchen. I can understand food better and learn more recipes that are delicious and good for me and involve no artificial anything. Just good fresh food prepared well.

So give me real food. Give me food porn (and yes some of the pages are stuck together) and give me a way of eating that will keep me healthy and happy for the rest of my life.

ladymisstree | 10:12 PM | Take a bite (5)

Right on sister! Funk dat low-fat, low-carb bullshit.

Except for Diet Dr. Pepper. That shit is better than sex.

Served up by Shane at 07:40 on 01|07|04

Kick butt. Good work. Thank God someone can be positive about any loss period, I lost .9, and I have been moping. Gotta get past my 10lb goal by Saturday!!~~~ Grrr....mystie.

Served up by mystie at 07:44 on 01|07|04

Ahhh. Someone else who devours delicious. And, haleluja, someone else who hates the taste of 'diet' food. Surely that is true 'junk' food? Yup. It's portion control, not nutrient control, we need. Now, how do I manage that one!!?


Served up by cat at 08:48 on 02|07|04

I'm so with you on all of this. Especially the food porn :) - I'm a delicious. subscriber too. And I love donna hay and agt as well...

Served up by Kimba at 02:10 on 05|07|04

I am so entirely and completely with you on this one. Though I still need to work on portion control. I somehow lost 15lbs in the past year... now, to keep it up.

Though, like some others, I have found some acceptable diet alternatives. Amidst the fake flavors in Vanilla and Cherry Coke, I don't taste the extra fake of the sweeteners, for example.

Served up by Cassie at 04:14 on 14|07|04