06 July 2004
:: Week 21 - A weighty conundrum ::

Good news this week, just a little loss again, but a loss is better than a gain! Down another .2kg (.4 lb). Would like a more substantial loss, but as long as I'm losing, I'm not complaining.

Also, I'm patting myself on the head for achieving something else. This is the most weight I've ever lost with Weight Watchers. This is my third attempt. On my first, I wasn't really into it and only lost about 5-6kg (11-13lbs) before I gave it all away. The second time I dropped 11.1kg (24.4lbs). So I'm already ahead of the game, and I'm not even halfway there!

Which brings me to my conundrum.

I don't know what my goal weight really is.

I've got 65kg (143lbs) up there, because that's what Weight Watchers recommends and it's the upper limit of the BMI for my height.

But then I bought a set of body fat scales on the weekend. I measured my body fat percentage and did a little math. While I'm not entirely sure on the numbers, it sounds like that 65kg would mean that I'm going to be below 25% body fat, which is the lowest end of the healthy scale. A friend, Shane, who lifts weights and knows about this sort of stuff, advised somewhere between 66kg and 72kg. My original goal was 70kg.

I'm a solid girl. I always have been. I'm also lifting weights, so I'm beginning to think that 65kg is not a good goal for me.

At my lowest weight (which I never recorded) I looked like a Chupa Chup. I was all head with a little stick-figure body. Not attractive. I don't want to go back there again. I want to look sleek and healthy and rounded. I want hips and boobs and a little tummy. I want a womanly figure and I'm not interested in being 'cut' or defined.

Now, I could just blunder along until I hit a size that appealed to me and just stop, but I rather like having a goal to work to. If 65kg is going to turn me into a stick figure, I don't want to use that as a goal.

Can anyone offer any advice?

I'll also be posting this to the PDTD forums, so apologies to anyone who reads both.

ladymisstree | 12:08 AM | Take a bite (4)

ahh the goal weight. Well, I've set my WW goal to the top end of the 'healthy range' for my height, which is 70kg. When I get there, I'll see how I feel and most importantly, how my clothes fit, and if I think I need to lose more weight then I'll keep going. But I've tentatively set my personal goal at 65kg because this is in the middle of the healthy weight range (and within the healthy BMI range) and also, I've been that weight before, and I liked it. But I was a lot younger then, and so I don't know if I actually WANT to get that 'slim' now. Like you, I want to be sleek and rounded and womanly, so maybe I don't need to go below 70kg. But I won't know till I get there! So my 'goal' is just a guide really.

(Sorry this comment is so long...)

Served up by Kimba at 08:58 on 06|07|04

Stay with your 65kg goal until you get a little further there, one little give may lead the way to more, plus we all know that theres always a little weight gain at the end ;)
Until I 'got fat' I was 120 lbs, 23% bf and I am 5.4. Everyone's bodies are different but I didn't look close to a Chupa Chup!
You are doing awesome, and as I said on PDTD, when I get to Melbourne, you've got a new workout buddie and Windsor Pilates!

Served up by Robyn at 11:17 on 06|07|04

My recommendations were based on your current lean weight and an estimated ideal bodyfat percentage of 25%. Most people loss some muscle mass along with the fat while dieting, but I think your muscle loss will be minimal as you are throwing in some weight work along with the Pilates, etc.

You'll probably find that your bodyweight will naturally stabilize over time. If it happens to balance at a weight you are comfortable with, then all you have to do is maintain your eating and exercise habits.

I hope that this is the case and all thought of a "goal weight" need only be hypothetical.

I think your results are fantastic so far. Keep up the excellent work. You are an inspiration to those of us who should be following your example.

Later Duchess.

Served up by Shane at 01:19 on 07|07|04


My Ma and I just started Weight Watchers last week, we've both done it before. Last time I only stuck to it for a matter of months, I am determined this time (I have a wedding to go to next April, you know!).

I'd like to get to about 58 (I'm only 5 1).

Keep up the great work!

I xxx

Served up by Isles at 12:38 on 07|07|04