10 January 2005
:: Week 48 - Crises of faith ::

Another nice loss this week, .5kg (1.1lb), but certainly not one I deserved.

I've been periscope down this week, going through a couple of crises of faith at the moment.

I've written about one of them on my other blog. The other one? Well, I'll tell you about that here.

But before I do that, I'd just like to rant a little.

I know I've ranted about bad WW leaders before, but tonight's leader really took the cake. The fact that she said up front that she would not be continuing in the job was the only thing that stopped me from getting up during her session and telling her to just shut the fuck up.

Now is a really busy time at WW. All the new people with their shiny New Year's resolutions are coming in and we had over a dozen new members start today.

This woman... dear god, where do I begin? How about the part where she told them that they only needed to eat 14 points (out of around 18-22, depending on your starting weight) of nutritious food and the rest could be made up with 'treats'?

Now, I know what she was trying to say. What she was trying to convey was that you have to eat at least 14 points from the different food groups and you could make up the difference with more points from each group and every now and then let yourself have a treat.

But her presentation style, such as it is, doesn't let her complete one thought before she's off on another and the arrant nonsense she ended up spouting was pure pain.

Don't even get me started about her telling us how diet soft drink is good for you in summer because of the extra sodium in it.

I only understood parts of her presentation because I'm a veteran of WW. What the new members made of it, I have no idea. Needless to say, I will not be staying for meetings until the next leader starts, then I'll give them a go. This woman is a danger to the public and should not be allowed to lead WW meetings. Period.

End rant.

Now for the crisis of faith.

Well, perhaps not so much a crisis, but a little laxity. I didn't deserve to lose this week. Why? Because there was too much 'just one won't hurt' going on.

Now, you guys know me. I generally let myself have what I want. This works for me because I don't crave energy dense food every day. I generally treat myself once a week to something like take away or beer or ice cream or whatever and that doesn't hurt.

What does hurt is when you do it almost every day. And that's what I did last week. I went over my points almost every day last week. Not by a little. But by around 5 points. A quarter of my daily allowance.

I threw in extra long walks again to try and counter this, but that is a temporary measure. I have to stop this 'just one won't hurt' mentality, I can't be complacent about this. Yes, I have my metabolism at a level that is tolerating it at the moment, but it won't for very long.

I know I can have these things. I just can't have them this often.

It baffles me that even after 48 weeks of hard slog at this, I still don't instinctively know this. But clearly it's something I have to keep working on.

This week I have good motivators to keep me on track, though. I finally ditched the size 16 jeans for size 14. Snug, but not for long. And I never, EVER want to buy anything bigger again!

ladymisstree | 09:07 PM | Take a bite (8)

Never EVER want to? Or Never ever WILL? *grin* good girl.

Snug is good, snug becomes loose, snug says "Look at my bottom, I'm feeling very sexual, do you want to touch it?"

*rejoices* Halleluia! Mango orgy!!! I'll be in your state in 4 sleeps!
*mouths* call me

Seriously great news bout the mango and pastachio fraudulent allergy allegations. VERY happy about that one.

So what is it, ooOooOOoo you are mysterious!

Served up by Beckie in Blogs at 11:30 on 10|01|05

Ooh I'm not the only one *wink*....at least the scale gods smiled at you which is more than I fear they will do for me :) And how casually she mentions size 14 jeans...I'd be screaming that one from the roof tops!!!! Well done!!
and bloody typcial re the allergies...i get similar mixed responses re my sons allergies too....bloody quaks!! ;)

Served up by Paulene at 05:53 on 11|01|05

Size 14 jeans - Booyah! Wasn't that your original goal? You might have to revise that one now :)

It never ceases to amaze me how you say you've had a 'less than perfect week' and you still have a great loss! To be losing 0.5kg a week at this stage of the game (after WW'ing for almost a year) is brilliant. You rock. I wanna be you when I grow up :)

Served up by Kimba at 06:15 on 11|01|05

Ahhhhhaaahhhhaaahhh! Size 14!!!! You legend!!!!!! Yay!!
And what's this 'deserve' hooey? There is no moral dimension to food. And you're not complacent, or you wouldn't be nearly 120 monkeys lighter. This week was a bit of an aberration for you, for whatever reason, and you've noticed, and next week will be different, and more monkeys will disappear (does the RSPCA know about this?)
Totally agree with you about the dangerous WW leaders, grrrrrr
Have a good day

Served up by LBTEPA at 10:35 on 11|01|05

Yes, I'm with Beckie, snug can definitely be good. Hrm, my jeans aren't as snug as they used to be, must show off ass some more... I meant get some more. ;-)

I've had a couple of those days this week, too - not a great way to start off my "going it alone", but I'm getting on top of it. In the words of Bob The Builder: Can we fix it? Yes, we can! :-)

Served up by sarah at 12:46 on 11|01|05

I had weeks like that recently. Where I would eat "just one of them" and it actually did not hurt. As you so well put it, my metabolism tolerated it for a while. But then I went on and on and I managed to gain almost 5 kilos between december 22 and january 2.
You are such a star!

Served up by Argyro at 03:20 on 11|01|05

even with all your underlying "helpy" overtones, I can still tell that you are on top of this. I kNOW that you will counteract ALL the little eroors you made last week to balance your conscience. And remember you DID have an extra long walk EVERY day to combat this, making it a deserved loss!!!!!

Served up by airlie at 06:13 on 11|01|05

YAY gotta luv going down a size!!!! 14 is so cool!!!!!!!!!

Served up by Angel at 09:38 on 13|01|05