04 April 2005
:: Week 60 - Dodging Bullets ::

This is the second week in a row I was mentally preparing an entry to talk about a gain and the second week in a row when I've gotten on the scales and discovered that I didn't need to.

It's great that I've lost the weight, but my eating needs to be looked at a bit. Just a .1kg (.2lb) loss this week, but any loss is a good loss!

Got a new WW leader this week (thank the deities of choice!) and she asked us how much we'd lost. Of course, being the shy, retiring flower that I am, I volunteered (hell, I'd shout it from the rooftops if they'd let me!) She then asked me what advice I'd offer anyone just starting out.

Being put on the spot, I couldn't craft a proper answer, but here I can, so here it is. Now, bear in mind, this is what worked for me. Your mileage may vary. But there are a couple of old chestnuts in there, and they are old chestnuts for one reason. They do work.

So, here's what three attempts, 13 months and 30.1kg (66.3lb) have taught me.

Track your eating. Write down everything you eat. It's easy to say that you're eating well if you're not holding yourself accountable. Snacks slip in. Licks, bites and nibbles sneak in under the radar. Be honest with yourself. If you bite it, write it. Then, if things aren't going so well, you can look back, review what you've been eating and see if you need to modify it.

The water thing. They are not kidding. Start drinking your water. Now. Don't whine to me that you don't like it and it's too hard and you pee all the time. I didn't like it either when I started. I hated drinking water. And I'm still peeing like an over-excited two year old over a year later. But it has been crucial to my weight loss.

It's all about the exercise. My previous two attempts didn't really include any deliberate exercise and my success (or lack thereof) reflected that. It's taken me a while, but I seem to have found the right balance to get my metabolism sufficiently fired up that I usually lose a little weight even when my eating isn't on track. Find what fires your metabolism up and do it as often as you can realistically manage. Don't bitch about not having enough time, if you're serious enough about this, you'll find time. I get up half an hour early to make sure I manage my weights or pilates. You can do it too.

Food is not 'good' or 'bad'. It's just food. Don't put value judgements on what you put in your mouth. Sure, some foods will help you to lose weight more effectively and some foods won't. But they aren't 'good' or 'bad'. When you put value judgements on food, you automatically put them on yourself when you eat them. If Tim Tams are 'bad', then you will believe you are bad for eating them. You will feel guilty and blame yourself and waste a whole lot of energy beating yourself up for 'succumbing' to 'bad' food. It's just food. Get over it.

Above all else, and if you take nothing else from this entry other than this then it's worth it, don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. It happens. Life happens. Habits do not die easily. We backslide, we slip up, we make mistakes. We are human.

Remember that and, when you do have a gigantic blow out, acknowledge it and MOVE ON. It does not mean you are a failure. It does not mean you should give up. It just means you're human. Congratulations. Now pick yourself up and take the next step. I've quoted it before, and I'm quoting it again, but Confucius said it best:

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

You are worth this. You are worth taking the time, making the effort and aiming for your goals. A lot of us don't value ourselves enough and until you do, you'll never dedicate yourself to this journey. I'm worth it. You're worth it. Believe it and you'll succeed.

ladymisstree | 08:22 PM | Take a bite (10)

Another brilliant & inspiring entry by Lady MissTree :o)

Served up by Kelli at 09:49 on 04|04|05

Damn, woman. You did it again. Left me wordless. I'm linking to this entry... it can't be said any better than this.


Served up by Kerri at 02:57 on 05|04|05

I was grinning and getting teary all at the same time when reading this entry. Thankyou so much for sharing your thoughts with us (hugs)

Served up by LBTEPA at 09:14 on 05|04|05

Bravo :)

ps I sneaked in a 200g loss this week ...phew!

Served up by Paulene at 11:46 on 05|04|05

I think we all need you to tell us that advice at some time in our journey! After 30kg loss as well, I still needed to be reminded of those things, so thanks heaps!

Served up by Nicky at 04:05 on 05|04|05

It was good to read your list of what made you succeed. I am having a couple of days that are not that good, have fell of the wagon a little, and I am a bit unmotivated. So it was nice to read what you had to say.


Served up by Eli at 07:35 on 05|04|05

Thank you so much...you're a great help and a great inspiration.

Served up by Eyes Wide Open at 04:32 on 06|04|05

i love your site, very inspiring. you're one of those i read regularly to remind myself that a) it's a long term commitment, b) things take the time they take, c) "giving up" should be removed from my vocabulary...
am i going crazy though or did your advice not show? just asking.
take care. :oD

Served up by brown at 05:31 on 06|04|05

i love your journal, you are so inspiring! a great post - motivating thanx

Served up by Mimi at 05:32 on 06|04|05

*presses your nose*

I agree. Well written my little (pun intended) cup cake.

Served up by Beckie at 08:58 on 07|04|05